The beach was one of those where at low tide you can scarcely see the sea. If you look hard here you can see a small amount of white on the horizon. That's the waves breaking.
However, within no time at all the tide had turned and whilst the breaking waves still seemed a long long way off, a really fast moving sheet of water, flat as a mill pond, surged across from the right of the bay area. It was fascinating to watch. Craig thinks there must have been a sandbank. Something for me to look into. I am absolutely fascinated by the sea.
While in the area we visited Paxton House. I had been once before and was keen to go again. We didn't go in the house, just the grounds - they're fantastic. The highlights this visit had to be the waterlilies and croquet on the lawn.
We also visited Chain Bridge Honey Farm and stocked up on some of the delicious local honey. They have a great observation hive. The kids were fascinated.
When the children were settled in the evenings I had the opportunity to chat to other home ed folks who I rarely get to speak to. Actually I rarely get to speak to any home ed folks when I see them out and about during the day as Miles is still of an age where he need a watchful eye on him all of the time. It was great to chat.
There are a couple of conversation which I had which are still buzzing around my brain. One was about how you feel when you reach that stage and know the likelihood is that you will never bare another child. The other was about the ongoing process of grieving the passing of certain development stages your children go through, for example knowing you will never again pace the floor in that back breaking position holding the hands of a child who is on the verge of taking their very first steps. It was really poignant that these conversations came about, that someone else initiated them, when they are matters that I myself have been thinking about so much of late.
All in all I had a wonderful time but I'm very pleased to be home. We all missed Craig lots and I was also well over due a good soak in the tub. I've made a mental note to ensure I buy flip flops before my next camping excursions as I'm sure that will make the site showers more user friendly.
I'm really glad you had a great time Claire.
That beach looks gorgeous!
We're off camping in a couple of weeks so I'm off to find some flip flops for us all, thanks for that tip, lol!
Glad you had a good time camping. I know what you mean about those conversations. My youngest is 18 months and I'm longing for a little baby to hold in my arms. We would like more children and I'm not sure what I'm going to do when my body can no longer produce them!
Oo I missed those conversations, it was a great location though and great to sit and chat.
paxton house looks great, we have never been but will put it on the list when we go back next year:-)We visited the Honey farm and went over the bridge,soooo scary.Milly was younger and in her daredevil, not scared of anything mode and was walking much too close to the edge of the bridge for my liking, it was just like a scene from one of my worst nightmares but I gave it a go!!!!
I told you I would have a good read of the RTNG blog. Paxton house looks great. Were you staying at Goswick? Well, gotta go, I've gotta read some more of this great blog.
Daniel xxxx
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