Wednesday 25 April 2007

This 'n' that

It's been an itty bitty week so far. Lots going on but everything still feels like it is 'work in progress' - there's no sense of completion or achievement.

On Monday Hermione and I made the long round trip to the dentist. Thankfully Hermione's teeth were fine. I was reminded that I still have a filling to be repaired and was urged not to leave it another six months. I would like it done and sorted too but I'm very hesitant about having a mercury filling drilled out while I'm still breast feeding. By the time we got back half of the day was gone and Miles was clingy the remainder of the day as he hadn't really seen me all morning.

On Tuesday morning Craig and Hermione headed off for their day and overnight stay in York. They visited The Jorvick Centre and Dig . I think she had enjoyed both. Apparently there is a ride which goes around the Jorvick Centre and this had really appealed. She was also very exited about having found a tin in the Dig. These activities had taken up most of the day and had worn them out. Although Craig suggested going on an open top bus trip after dinner Hermione was keen to go back to the hotel and to bed!

Today they had visited York Castle Museum before heading back home.

More details and photographs of the trip to follow I think.

Here at home I have spent the week trying to remain calm and patient while the kitchen is being fitted and the garden is being turfed. Why when workmen can see that there are little people around do they still leave dangerous tools and screws lying all over the floor???? I also had our first ever visit from a Health Visitor since we moved here six months ago. When she arrived Miles was upstairs having a nap and there was absolute mayhem in the kitchen with drilling, sawing etc. Goodness knows what she really thought of it all but she said she was happy and that she wouldn't be back for almost a year and that would just be to do the government obesity checks, eh???

I'm slowly plodding through my 'to do' list for this week but progress is slow.

Not certain what we will manage to do tomorrow. I had hoped we could at least start the garden diaries but the place is still in absolute chaos with the workmen. May be a day for stories and schools TV.

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