Thursday 7 February 2008

Sandwich generation

I learned something today. I learned that there is a term for the situation Craig and I currenly find oursleves in. We are part of the Sandwich Generation. Should have know there would be a term for it and whatsmore that it would have been entered into Wikipedia.

Feeling rather like my handle on life has dropped off. Time to start looking for my handle again as well as my spellchecker.


Anonymous said...

Are you o.k?

Claire said...

Yeah, just had a rather stressful day. Craig's Dad has dementia and lives alone. He's been missing for a couple of days but has turned up tonight in hospital with what doctors so far think is a fractured hip and a head injury. More scans and stuff tomorrow. He's very confused so no one really knows what has happened. :-(

How are you?

Claire said...

Should add to that the fact I haven't really done any 'educating' this week, and I'm hosting a sewing evening tomorrow night to make reusable shopping bags but I seem to have mislaid the fabric, and everyone will have to keep their shoes on so as not to get playdoh and sequins stuck in their socks as I haven't had a chance to think about cleaning this place up. Ho hum. Just when I thought all was going swimmingly :-)

Anonymous said...

Oh I'm so sorry about Craig's Dad, my nan had Altzhiemers (sp?).

Bag party - turn it itno a cleaning party ;0)

claire my email addy is on the resolutions blog if you want to mail and chat, I'm onine for a while now.

Good luck and best wishes.

Carol D. O'Dell said...

Hi, I'm Carol, and I completely understand the fog that's engulfed you.

I was (am) married, three daugthters, my dad had died, and then we began to realize my mother couldn't continue to live by herself.

Parkinson's, the beginnings of dementia (which was worse than I first realized, and later grew much worse) caused us to move my mom in with us.

How was I going to do it all? Kids--swim practice, ballet, horseback riding, homework, smart mouths, bedtimes, the Internet to monitor--and now, doctor's appointments, errands,
and a forgetful/wandering/cantankerous mother?

Some days, I felt as if my head would explode.

But there are also good times. It drew us together as a family. We laughed a lot--and cried. We did the best we could.

Hug your kids, your hubby, and know that you have great strength and resiliency--and love--and you'll get through.

~Carol D. O'Dell
Author of Mothering Mother: A Daughter's Humorous and Heartbreaking Memoir,

available on Amazon,