We are going to grow potatoes, sweetcorn, squash, broccoli, chard bright lights, mooli, radishes, peas, runner beans, broad beans, lettuce, perpetual spinach, cucumbers, pak choi, courgettes, onions, shallots and leeks.
I hope to grow some red cabbage and other hardy stuff but I'm going to wait and think about that later in the summer when the first crops of things like beans have finished and we have space.
The potatoes are going in bags, probably down the side of the shed. They take up too much space for the main plot. Also, the small square marked 'squash' on the plan is where I'm going to build a mini raised bed/hot box for the squash plants which will then trail around where the sweetcorn grows. I read about it in a gardening book yesterday. They are ideal to plant together as one grows upright and the other trails the ground.
I'm also going to plant some marigolds and borage around the plot for their insect repelling properties, and of course to brighten salads and deserts with their beautiful petals. We ate lots of nasturtium flowers last year. They are my favourite and I think I'll put them in hanging baskets near the kitchen door so they are on hand.
The first batch of seeds went in today, early broad beans. Nana started digging too. I'm feeling very excited.
On the not so bright side Miles is quite unwell. He wasn't so good at the start of the week but then he seemed to recover, just to go flat again yesterday morning. We even ventured to the doctors today which is a very rare occurrence for my children. They generally are subjected to my potions unless I think things are really bad. Poor babe. He's fit for nothing other than cuddles and to prop up the all hours milk bar. He had cut his nursing right back to mornings and evenings but over the past twenty four hours I'd say he's nursed for a good eighteen of them! Never mind, it won't be long till he's well and if nothing else night long nursing gives you lots of time to contemplate life.
Hermione is well. Having Nana live here with us is a blessing, particularly at times like this. While me and Miles have snuggled they have baked biscuits, read stories to each other, dug the garden and chatted. Hermione is spending lots of time practicing riding her bike. I look at her whizzing round and round the garden and it looks like she has been able to do it for months not days!
I am very worried about Miles and I'm deliriously tired but I still feel really loved up with life right now. I have so much to be thankful for. Back to watch my sleeping babe and continue contemplating life.
Love to see the plans for your veg plot, must get mine organised!!
Put it on my priority list when I get back from a short break.
Sorry Miles is poorly hope it passes and he feels better soon.xx
Hope Miles is feeling better soon xx
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