Monday 30 July 2007

Well, unfortunately we all followed in Miles footsteps and succumbed to the lurgy late last week. Sore throats, coughs and sneezes all round. We had planned on going to a workshop at The Centre for Life on Friday organised by another home educating family but unfortunately we had to stay home, confined to our own space and take life at a mellow pace.
Hermione has spent a lot of time swinging in her tree swing, strumming a badminton racket and singing Abba songs rather loudly. I sometimes wonder what the neighbours must think of my free range children. Thankfully I'm not too concerned with their thoughts.
We watched Eye Witness Natural Disasters DVD. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I'm forever fascinated by the forces of nature. Hermione was intrigued by the first half but then lost interest. That didn't surprise me really. I guess it was on the dry side for a six year old although some of the footage was fabulous.

Miles helped me to pick the last of the cauliflowers. What hadn't already been eaten was starting to look sad. It's now blanched and frozen. Our freezer is bulging.

We also picked a huge courgette which was more of marrow proportions. We made it into a Raw Courgetti Bolognaisse. Delicious.

We have had some beautiful clouds at sunset here this week. Truly amazing. Photographs (or mine at least) just don't do them justice.

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