Tuesday 31 July 2007

Harold and the Purple Crayon

We have read Harold and the Purple Crayon by Crockett Johnson the last couple of days. It's a FIAR text but I have to say I'm not wildly impressed. Certainly not the best of the bunch. I think it may be more appropriate for younger children. Having said that it does seem to get the thumbs up from Hermione.

Yesterday we talked about modes of transport after reading it. Harold travels in a hot air balloon. We made a list of the modes of transport we could think of. This is what Hermione came up with - car, double decker bus, boat, speed boat, ship, train, bike, scooter, tycicle, van, lorry, digger, horse, cammel, racing car, motor bike, rocket, feet and horse and cart. Not bad.

We then went on to look at some pictures of various modes of transport such as submarines, tanks, rickshaws, and tandems.

Harold draws a moon and it features on almost every page. After reading the story today we loked at various moon phases and made a 'moon phase photo sequence'. I printed the images of the various phases from this webpage. I kept one whole and cut one up into the various phases. Hermione constructed her photo sequence from the cut outs.

The rest of the day was spent playing in the garden. The weather has been absolutley fabulous. We all spent most of the day outside apart from Nana who was beavering away inside trying to work out how to put her new spinning wheel together which arrived today.


Jax Blunt said...

we adore Harold and the Purple Crayon - but I've never tried FIARing it, so I don't know how it lends itself to activities. I just know that Small likes to read it :)

Claire said...

I think were it not a FIAR text I would be happier with it. It is different and quirky. It's probably that it just doesn't lend itself as well to FIARing as the others we have read. I'm pleased Small enjoys it Hermione likes it too.