Monday 13 August 2007

Mirette on the High Wire

We read Mirette on the High Wire by Emily Arnold McCully today. It's a FIAR text which tells the story of a high wire walker and his young girl protegee.

The story is set in Paris and the book is illustrated with bold colourful pictures which convey a rustic feel.

We chatted about the story, located Paris on the world map, watched this Youtube clip of a high wire walker and drew pictures of high wire walkers.

This afternoon Miles painted for the first time. He did ever so well, and as he painted outside and followed straight on from painting to paddling pool, there was virtually no mess to clean up - wayhey!!!


Jax Blunt said...

I really like that story, it's a great book. I'm sure we've got a copy somewhere, must dig it out.

Helen said...

Hi Claire,
Thanks for the pictures, they are great!